Friday, June 11, 2010


It is 80° in my room right now. It has been about that warm continuously since last Thursday (the fourth.) I feel that, even though we are still ten days shy of the official start date, I am safe in referring to the weather as summer without any repercussions from the weather gods. I kind of feel as though the weather felt bad after giving us so much rain and cold in April and May, and now it is trying to make it up to us. I am fine with nice weather, but I am definitely going to welcome the coming cold and rain. To clarify what I mean by "cold," the forecast says that the high will be just above 70° tomorrow. I am excited.

To celebrate this nice weather, last weekend, I was at the local beach for a combined seven or eight hours or so. This week, I think that I have spent part of the evening in the park just north of campus every day. In short, life here is very difficult and I am barely able to put up with it all.

How am I able to spend so much time loafing around, you ask? That has a very simple explanation, and it is one that is seldom used in the United States. I am assuming that my teachers are doing about the same thing that I am doing, meaning that I have a fairly minimal amount of homework. Since we have the summers off, I can't imagine that this comes up that often at home.

For those of you I have talked to you recently, you assumed that I was going to Cologne. This is what I thought until this morning when I called the person that I was going to carpool with and he told me that he wasn't able to pick me up. So, instead of traveling, Derrick and I hung out in a café for a few hours. Across from the café was a book store. For some reason, I decided that I wanted to buy a mystery novel, so that is what I did. Rather than trying to pick out a good mystery among the shelf, I just went with an author that I already know is good, Ian Rankin. I assume that a translation of his work will be just as good as one in English. The one that I bought isn't one that I have read before, but I assume that it should be good. I have decided that, in oder to improve my language skills, I will read at least one chapter a day. I have previously promised myself that I would do a similar thing with Anne Frank. As you can imagine, her diary has been sitting under a postcard and my capo, unmoved for about 6 weeks, at the very least. However, if my previous experience with John Rebus is any indicator, I shouldn't have any problems fufilling that promise. Also, I assume that John Rebus doesn't have to deal with nazis or the holocaust, which should make slightly less depressing to read.

In other news, time has been speeding along faster than seems possible. For instance, it is now June 11th, meaning that I have only seven more weeks left. Holy cow. I doubt that there is enough time for me to do everything in Europe that I would like to before I leave, but we will see. I will be damned if I am not going to give it a good run for its money. Or my money, since that is more accurate. Things that are currently on the travel plan: Hamburg, Cologne, the Black Forest, Prague, Vienna, and Munich. I am also planning on heading up to Husum to try to find some old family graves. I haven't looked into this at all, and it seems like a pipe dream, but it couldn't hurt to try. Also, it is a stone's throw from the North Sea, so I could spend some time on the coast, even if I can't find anything familial.

disclaimer: I finally switched my computer into German yesterday. That means that I no longer have an english language spell check installed on my computer. I am fairly certain that I spelled everything correctly, but I might have missed something. I apologize for that and blame it on the fact that learning German is doing terrible things to my English. I promise I will try to learn how to speak our language again once I return to my native soil.

To fulfill my promise of always having a picture, this is the tree outside my window. The top picture is from Easter Sunday, when I first noticed it having any green on it. The bottom picture if from today.



  1. Nice to have a tree outside your window!I see on the Writers Almanac that today is Anne Frank's birthday, if that is any inspiration to read her diary. Love, Mom

  2. We could perhaps be convinced to lend you Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe auf Deutsch, since we unearthed it at Eric's parents' house this weekend. Happy summering! It's still raining here, as it has been for a week or 3.

  3. I have seen H2G2 (usually all of them) at pretty much every book store I have been at. I have thus far avoided them because I can't imagine that it will be translated well enough to not be a disappointment. I suppose I can give it a try though.
